Friday 7 June 2013

Very slow file transfer copying from a Windows share

Very slow file transfer copying from a Windows share

I made a video here to demonstrate just how slow the transfer speeds are (I get about 32KB per second transfer speed):
I am running Ubuntu 13.04 64 and sometimes need to access files on my Windows 7 computer, however my wireless transfer speeds are terribly slow. Could someone tell me what to do to speed things up?
On Ubuntu I normally use smb:// in nautilus or dolphin, and then I provide my Windows username and password to access a folder shared by Windows. With that I get the slow transfer speeds as shown in the video. A 7MB file takes a few minutes to transfer from Windows to Ubuntu. That's not acceptable.
My network card in an Intel Ultimate N WiFi Link 5300 which appears well supported in this table:
Wireless transfers between my Ubuntu machine and a Windows XP machine I have are blazingly fast. It's only wireless transfers between Ubuntu and Windows 7 which are slow.

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