Monday 27 May 2013

How to load NPOT texture on iOS when width is none power of two?

How to load NPOT texture on iOS when width is none power of two?

I checked this post: Non power of two textures in iOS. I used GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE for wraps without mipmap feature by opengl-es 2.0.
Now it's only working when the width is power of two for example 256*192 or 256*256 and it's not working when the width is not power of two for example 192*256 or 190*210. Sometimes it shows black texture and sometimes it shows garbled texture!
According to this it should work for 192*256 texture on iOS. But why it's not working for me? Has anyone any idea for it?
NOTE: I think this is a special case for NPOT texture on iOS and not duplicated with any question!

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