Friday 7 June 2013

running a email server using iRedMail: why is cluebringer/policyd using nearly 100% cpu?

running a email server using iRedMail: why is cluebringer/policyd using nearly 100% cpu?

I'm setting up my own email server in hopes to move away from gmail, I hate the idea of someone at google having the ability to look through all my emails. I setup everything using iRedMail on my Netbook running Ubuntu 13.04 and it seems to be working fine however one thing iRedMail installed was cluebringer/policyd ( ). From what I read it appears to be a blacklist/whitelist for emails you can setup, this seems cool and I will figure it out more later from the site's documentation. In the meantime it's sucking all my CPU power near 100% all the time. I have no idea why, does anyone have an idea of why it's doing this and how to fix it?

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