Wednesday 25 January 2012

New Issue of MarketingNPV Journal Finds Marketing Measurement Improving, but Progress is Slow

Princeton, NJ (PRWEB) June 26, 2007

While some great strides have been made in the realm of marketing measurement, many marketers still seem to be floating in a sea of uncertainty when it comes to developing a comprehensive set of credible key metrics. The current issue of MarketingNPV Journal explores this theme by interviewing a half-dozen senior marketers from different industry segments to see how well their marketing measurement and dashboard capabilities have evolved.

"It seems clear that the marketing function is making good strides, but they're still a bit stymied by the complexities of the measurement challenge," comments Pat LaPointe, managing partner of MarketingNPV and Editor-in-Chief of MarketingNPV Journal. "It's not the mathematical/statistical complexities so much as the process deficiencies (data gaps) and organizational (political) complexities that are the biggest barriers. Our feature - "Bridging Islands of Facts in an Ocean of Uncertainty" - metaphorically summarizes the situation as doing a good job of measuring the things we can, but not yet making as much process with the things we should be measuring."

The CMOs and other senior marketers interviewed for this issue include: Cammie Dunnaway, CMO, Yahoo; Roger Adams, CMO, The Home Depot; Tony Ueber, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Office Depot; Karen Haefling, CMO, KeyCorp; David Churbuck, Vice President of Global Web Marketing, Lenovo; Bob Calamari, Senior Vice President Brand Marketing Group, Bank of America; Sean Goldstein, Director of Marketing, CA; and Nick Besbeas, Vice President of Global Direct Marketing, Yahoo; each of whom shares a bit of their experience with improving measurement capabilities.

Also available in this issue of MarketingNPV Journal, an interesting first look at green metrics and how the effects of a company's environmental sustainability strategy - those elements that are competitive differentiators and profit generators - are beginning to show up in measurement frameworks. Other highlights include ideas on how to construct a brand scorecard and a Q&A featuring Dave Reibstein, Wharton professor and co-author of the recent book 50+ Metrics Every Marketer Should Master.

Copies of the new issue can be viewed and downloaded from

MarketingNPV ( is a highly specialized advisory firm that links marketing expenditures to financial value creation, providing continuous improvement in the effective and efficient allocation of marketing resources. The firm uses processes and tools tuned to measure the payback on marketing investments, track the right performance metrics, and forecast the economic impact of changes in strategy or tactics. MarketingNPV maintains the world's largest online archive of articles and resources about marketing measurement, and publishes MarketingNPV Journal quarterly.


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